Joshua Abel Alhassan

πŸ‘‹ Hello, I’m Joshua Abel Alhassan, a dedicated professional with a passion for community building, education, and technology. Currently, I wear multiple hats in the tech and education spheres, contributing my skills to various projects and communities.

🌐 As the Volunteer Community Manager at Nexascale, I specialize in curating discussions and fostering collaboration around Data Structures and Algorithms. This role allows me to engage with a diverse group of individuals who share a common interest in these fundamental aspects of computer science.

πŸ“š At Edustipend, I take on the responsibility of a Community Manager, working to create an inclusive and supportive environment for learners. I believe in the power of education to transform lives and strive to make learning accessible and enjoyable for everyone.

🍻 On a more social note, I am the proud lead and organizer of BeerJs Lokoja, a community that brings together tech enthusiasts in a casual setting to discuss and share insights on the latest trends in web development and technology.

πŸ“Š In my capacity as the Program Manager at Mentor-Box, I am deeply involved in structuring programs that provide mentorship opportunities. Guiding and supporting aspiring individuals on their journey in the tech industry is a role I find immensely rewarding.

πŸ’» Teaching web technologies at coding academies, hosting workshops, and organizing conferences are aspects of my professional life that allow me to contribute directly to the growth and development of aspiring developers.

πŸ‘₯ Additionally, as the Lead Community Manager at Favoured Online, I play a pivotal role in building and nurturing a vibrant online community. The focus is on creating a space where members can connect, learn, and share experiences related to technology and beyond.

πŸš€ As a co-organizer of GDGlokoja (Google Developers Group), I collaborate with like-minded individuals to create events that promote the use of Google technologies and foster a sense of community among developers in Lokoja.

✨ Passionate about technology, education, and community, I am driven by the belief that collaboration and knowledge-sharing are key to personal and collective growth. Let’s connect, learn, and grow together!